BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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49 Backdrop 2.16.cpt 21 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-05-1989
DESC: Backdrop v2.16 for graphic Mac screen backgrounds.
KEY: Backdrop 2.16.cpt KBytes: 15360
47 BAD11.cpt 6 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-13-1990
DESC: Allows you to initialize marginal disks by mapping bad sectors.
KEY: BAD11.cpt KBytes: 7168
DESC: Great Utility! Version 1.1.
46 Balloons.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1991
DESC: This after dark module gives a short plug for a commercial program,
KEY: Balloons.cpt KBytes: 112640
DESC: then inflates a balloon, twists off bubbles and creates different
DESC: color balloon animals all over your screen. After
DESC: Dark,screen,saver,balloons,bear.
45 Banner120.cpt 20 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-06-1989
DESC: Version 1.2 of the Banner Making program that uses Adobe Type
KEY: Banner120.cpt KBytes: 51200
DESC: Manager.
44 Bartender 1.0.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-12-1990
DESC: This INIT enhances your scroll bar by allowing you to double-click
KEY: Bartender 1.0.cpt KBytes: 5120
DESC: to undo last scroll. Shift click to go to end of the scrollbar and
DESC: others. It works with the Scroll2 cdev.
43 BasicRunTime.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-28-1986
DESC: Basic Runtime Demo uploaded by Vern Baker.
KEY: BasicRunTime.dd KBytes: 124928
42 BatFiler.cpt_ 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-30-1992
DESC: Thanks for trying Bat Filer! This program is SHAREWARE; select
KEY: BatFiler.cpt_ KBytes: 349184
DESC: "Shareware Info" from the Bat Filer "Specials" menu for complete
DESC: information and registration form. Bat Filer is a utility that
DESC: allows the user to apply file operations to many files at once.
DESC: Central to using Bat Filer is the File List. The user adds files
DESC: to or removes from this list. This can be done one file at a time,
DESC: by folder, by volume, or by searching. File operations can then be
DESC: applied to all (or some) of the files in the list.
41 BCAST20.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-29-1991
DESC: This is Broadcast version 2.0 which allows users to send messages to
KEY: BCAST20.cpt KBytes: 73728
DESC: each other over appletalk.
40 Beep 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-06-1987
DESC: Beep init file
KEY: Beep KBytes: 2048
39 Beepshuffle.cpt 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-23-1990
DESC: Beepshuffle.sit is an init that allows you to use random beep
KEY: Beepshuffle.cpt KBytes: 12288
DESC: sounds.
38 Before Dark.cpt 8 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-06-1990
DESC: An init to radomly select the After Dark module used each time your
KEY: Before Dark.cpt KBytes: 4096
DESC: computer is booted up.
36 BELT 1.0 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-22-1987
DESC: Belt calculator
KEY: BELT 1.0 KBytes: 60416
35 Bench.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-13-1986
DESC: HD Bench Marks Program
KEY: Bench.dd KBytes: 14336
33 BFiler.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-16-1989
DESC: Batch File commands for Mac
KEY: BFiler.cpt KBytes: 128000
32 Big Screen.dd 7 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-27-1987
DESC: Big Screen init file - converts screen to size you set!
KEY: Big Screen.dd KBytes: 11264
31 Bigger SFDialogs.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-19-1989
DESC: Bigger Dialog and save boxes resedit template
KEY: Bigger SFDialogs.cpt KBytes: 2048
30 BigMenu.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-18-1987
DESC: Makes big screens menu's bigger
KEY: BigMenu.dd KBytes: 28672
29 BigPat.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-01-1990
DESC: This file is a Compactor archive containing the three files BigPat,
KEY: BigPat.cpt KBytes: 15360
DESC: Pik-a-Pat, and Background Pats. BigPat and Pik-a-Pat are cdevs which
DESC: allow color background patterns which are larger or smaller than the
DESC: standard 8x8 to be edited and stored on a MacII or higher.
DESC: Background Pats is a file containing some demonstration patterns. To
DESC: use, just dump all three into your system folder and access through
28 BIGWIN.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-13-1986
DESC: Makes Bigger Windows
KEY: BIGWIN.dd KBytes: 18432
27 Bind Icons.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-29-1989
DESC: Binds Icons to applications
KEY: Bind Icons.cpt KBytes: 14336
26 BINHEX v.4.0 8 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-03-1988
DESC: BinHex --- to convert non-Mac transferred files,I think.
KEY: BINHEX v.4.0 KBytes: 8192
25 bintomac.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-11-1990
DESC: bintomac.sit converts files from binary to Mac format.
KEY: bintomac.cpt KBytes: 6144
23 Black Box 1.5.cpt 8 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-15-1989
DESC: Black Box 1.5.Sit is an init that adds a dozen or so features to the
KEY: Black Box 1.5.cpt KBytes: 43008
DESC: Macinterface including DA dock, screen saver, clock,
DESC: smartquotes...etc.
22 Blesser1.1.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-04-1988
DESC: Utility to allow more than 1 system folder setup. This is version
KEY: Blesser1.1.cpt KBytes: 22528
DESC: 1.1 of Blesser for using System 7.0 and System 6 on the same disk.
21 BLINDFOLD.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-14-1992
DESC: Make files and folders visible or invisible in the Finder. Useful
KEY: BLINDFOLD.cpt KBytes: 19456
DESC: for hiding private files or cleaning up ugly desktop clutter. Files
DESC: are modified through an open file dialog, or in Drop Box mode.
DESC: Scans all directories selected in Drop Box mode, so entire
DESC: directories or disks can be modified. This utility can be used
DESC: without System 7. Another Drop Rob-Box by Robert Gibson.
20 BlueNotes 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-01-1991
DESC: This is a collection of icons for the various musical notes.
KEY: BlueNotes KBytes: 14336
DESC: Includes cicn, sicn, ic4, ic8, icl4, icl8, and ICN#. ResEdit
DESC: resource-format.
19 Bmr202.cpt 11 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-26-1990
DESC: Boomerang 2.0.2 is an INIT/cdev which makes it easy to use the
KEY: Bmr202.cpt KBytes: 50176
DESC: Open/SaveAs dialog by automatically recording the folders and files
DESC: used. This includes Find File by wildcard search, new folder, show
DESC: info, etc. This release fixes bugs discovered in version 2.0. The
DESC: following problems have been fixed: 1) Help Dialog does not work
DESC: properly sometimes. 2) If you try to use Boomerang Control Panel
DESC: after a crash of an application under MultiFinder, Boomerang causes
DESC: another crash.3) Fix(es) for the Mac Portable included in version
DESC: 2.0.1 are included in are included in this release. ***
18 Boaster.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-28-1990
DESC: Boaster is one of the dumbest INITs ever made. Using ResEdit you
KEY: Boaster.cpt KBytes: 14336
DESC: can load as many icons as you want into Boaster, and then when you
DESC: start your Mac, all those icons will be displayed, as if they were
DESC: separate INITs loading. (You will need to use Icon Wrap if you have
DESC: more than one line of INITs.) What is the purpose of Boaster?
DESC: Supposedly it is to impress your friends when they see all those
DESC: strange icons display at startup.
17 Boing! Cursor 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-30-1988
DESC: Bing cursor resource
KEY: Boing! Cursor KBytes: 3072
16 Bomb Alert.dd 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-03-1987
DESC: Bomb Alert F key
KEY: Bomb Alert.dd KBytes: 7168
15 Bomb ICN#s.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1989
DESC: Bomb ICN#s.sit is an alternate trash can in bomb form.
KEY: Bomb ICN#s.cpt KBytes: 3072
14 Bomb Shelter.cpt 13 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-26-1990
DESC: This INIT by Andrew Welch will aid recover from system bombs by
KEY: Bomb Shelter.cpt KBytes: 7168
DESC: arming the Resume button where authors have not done so. A must.
13 Bombfix.dd 8 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-10-1987
DESC: init file to fix frozen cursor, put in system folder.
KEY: Bombfix.dd KBytes: 2048
12 Boot Logger.dd 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-04-1987
DESC: init file that records Mac startup times in text
KEY: Boot Logger.dd KBytes: 4096
11 BootBlock6.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-20-1988
DESC: System 6.0 bootblocks installer
KEY: BootBlock6.cpt KBytes: 12288
10 bootDiskIcon 13 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-24-1988
DESC: Init...Change any Hard Disk icon to any icon you want..Nice!
KEY: bootDiskIcon KBytes: 3072
9 bootman.cpt 7 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-16-1990
DESC: Bootman is from Bill Steinberg, and allows you to write the "boot
KEY: bootman.cpt KBytes: 12288
DESC: blocks" for your operating system. Features a graphical interface
DESC: and a good online help file which explains the function of boot
DESC: blocks. Highly recommended addition to your group of miscellaneous
DESC: utilities. Freeware.
8 Bro.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-15-1988
DESC: Appletalk Chat init
KEY: Bro.cpt KBytes: 12288
7 BROADCAST 2.0.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-28-1991
DESC: BroadCast 2.0, a RDEV (Chooser document) that allows you to send
KEY: BROADCAST 2.0.cpt KBytes: 25600
DESC: messages between Macs on an AppleTalk network. Put BroadCast in
DESC: your System Folder and Restart your Mac. Open the Chooser and
DESC: select BroadCast to send a message to another Mac. I tried it a
DESC: little under both System 6 and 7 and it worked just fine. Shareware
DESC: from Germany. Basically a quick, easy, limited and inexpensivform
DESC: of E-mail. BroadCast is shareware. If, after a trial period of one
DESC: month you decide to use it, you must register your copy. The fee
DESC: is US $25 for each zone or US $100 for all zones within one
DESC: AppleTalk network. Written by Joachim Lindenberg.
6 Browser v.244+ 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-08-1987
DESC: Creates and edits text files, then creates an index.
KEY: Browser v.244+ KBytes: 133120
5 bruup 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-04-1988
DESC: Resedit SND resource
KEY: bruup KBytes: 8192
4 BugSniffer.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-04-1987
DESC: Bug Sniffer for System 4.1
KEY: BugSniffer.dd KBytes: 18432
3 BundAid.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-19-1988
DESC: Resets Bundle to Zero on improper Mac Application settings.
KEY: BundAid.cpt KBytes: 12288
2 BurningFuse.cpt 14 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-01-1989
DESC: BurningFuse.sit is an init that gives an interesting graphic show on
KEY: BurningFuse.cpt KBytes: 6144
DESC: restart and shutdown.
1 BWMacAClock v2.0.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-08-1992
DESC: BWMacAClock v2.0 is a regular program that displays an analog clock
KEY: BWMacAClock v2.0.cpt KBytes: 26624
DESC: on a screen. It displays the current time, day and date. You can
DESC: assign individual colors to different parts of the clock. The
DESC: regular grow icon (size box) is not showed. But if you click in
DESC: this region (just like other Macintosh resizable windows) you will
DESC: be able to resize the window.